Chelan-Douglas County

Volunteer Attorney Services

900 Ferry Street Capital Project

Justice for Generations: Creating a Permanent Home for Legal Aid

Imagine a welcoming, fully accessible legal aid home in the heart of our community where individuals facing poverty can easily seek the civil legal help they desperately need. Your generous support can make this vision a reality through the 900 Ferry Street Capital Project. With demand for services growing by 150+ people a year, the opportunity to purchase and renovate a larger space could not come at a better time!

Your gifts will help us transition from a cramped 1,000 square feet into a spacious 5,000-square-foot facility, offering free civil legal services for even more people in need! This new space will feature multiple private consult areas, a conference room and kitchen (available to our community partners), enabling us to host more clinics and workshops, and expand our outreach efforts, ensuring that rise to the meet the growing demand. Will you help us meet the growing demand with a legacy gift ensuring justice for generations?


CDCVAS is fundraising for the purchase and renovations of the 900 Ferry Street building. The total fundraising goal is $1,500,000.

Learn more about the capital project, FAQs, budget and goals here. 

Renovation progress....