FAQs for CDCVAS & Ferry Street Capital Project



What is CDCVAS?

Chelan Douglas County Volunteer Attorney Services (CDCVAS) also known as VAS is as civil legal aid organization that provides free civil legal help to people who are experiencing poverty (200% or below Federal Poverty Level)  and are living in, or whom have a civil legal matter in Chelan or Douglas counties.

How are services provided and who is receiving them?

Services are coordinated by staff who rely on attorney volunteers (~55/annually), attorney contractors (3) and one staff attorney to provide high-quality legal services. Clients can find out if they qualify for help by calling or visiting the CDCVAS office, attending one of our weekly walk-in clinics, or by calling CLEAR, the Washington State Civil Legal Aid Helpline.

In the last 12 months nearly 700 people have reached out to CDCVAS for services. We have seen a steady increase in need by over 100 clients for nearly 5 years.

The wider we open our doors the more need is revealed.

Attorneys meet with clients in consultations that can be 20 minutes to several hours long. The average consultation is 60 minutes, with follow-up consults as the client moves through their case. Staff coordinate clinics, schedule appointments, receive client paperwork and client updates, communicate with attorneys, coordinate interpreters, participate in community outreach, etc.,  

2040 hours of free legal services were provided to our community members in need in last 12 months. (June 2023-2024)

 What is the history of CDCVAS?

On February 14, 2002 Chelan Douglas County Volunteer Attorney Services was incorporated as a non-profit organization. The development of CDCVAS was initiated by attorney Russ Speidel, then president of the Chelan Douglas Bar Association, in partnership with other attorneys and the Community Action Council. CDCVAS was established to respond the growing need for a coordinated, organized and accessible legal aid services.

Who runs CDCVAS?  How is CDCVAS governed?

CDCVAS is run by an Executive Director, Eloise Barshes. She has been in the position since August of 2015. There are currently 4 full time employees on staff, including the director. The organization is governed by a 12 member Board of Directors. coming from diverse personal and professional backgrounds.

How is CDCVAS funded?

CDCVAS is funded by multiple sources.  A majority of current funding comes from grants (70%).

      • Legal Foundation of Washington
      • Office of Civil Legal Aid
      • Chelan/Douglas Homeless Housing Funds
      • WSBA Creditor/Debtor Rights Grant
      • Inatai Foundation
      • Other grants (banks, etc)


The remaining amount comes from our annual Justice Gala fundraiser and private and foundation donors. (30%)

Does CDCVAS have malpractice insurance?

CDCVAS provides malpractice insurance to all lawyers providing legal services for CDCVAS clients.

Why is CDCVAS moving from its current location?

CDCVAS is moving because we have outgrown the current 1000 square foot location. Staff share offices and there is limited space for client consults, limiting the scheduling options we can offer clients and attorney volunteers. The current space doesn’t have windows or offer public parking, leaving clients struggling to find a place to park for appointments.

The new space is 5,000 square feet, has ample space for multiple private consultations and meetings at the same time, it will be accessible, roomy and inviting. There is plenty of free, accessible parking. It has a conference room and kitchen that can host legal education workshops and be shared with or rented to local partners.

The opportunity was presented for CDCVAS to acquire a permanent home when we knew our current space was no longer functional. Seller financing, a low-interest rate and accessible location made it too good to pass up.

Where will CDCVAS be moving and how will the new location improve the services CDCVAS provides?

 CDCVAS will be moving from the current location at 18 S. Mission Street to 900 Ferry Street when renovations are completed.

In the new space will:

        • Offer private space for multiple legal consults and flexible hours, allowing us to accommodate the needs and schedules of our clients and volunteers.
        • Build stronger community ties and offer a permanent legal aid home in the heart of the community.
        • Increase visibility of the organization and services, ensuring that more people can get the help they need.
        • Offer ample and accessible parking for clients, guests, volunteers and staff to feel welcome.
        • Provide space for community building, legal education workshops and community conversations that improve access to critical resources.
        • Allow the organization to building capacity to help more people with space for hosting AmeriCorps Volunteers, Law Interns, community volunteers and new staff.

 How is CDCVAS paying for the new building?

CDCVAS is fundraising for the purchase and renovations of the 900 Ferry Street building.  The total fundraising goal is $1,320,000.

As of 9/12/2024 $726,140 has been raised.

What can I do to support CDCVAS?

You can support CDCVAS by spreading the word about available services for people in need and by lending your financial support with a legacy gift towards the 900 Ferry Street Capital Project. Your generous contribution will help us create a safe and welcoming space for our community, ensuring that everyone has access to the resources and support they need to thrive.