Chelan-Douglas County

Volunteer Attorney Services

Can We Help With Your Civil Legal Issue?

Qualifying for CDCVAS Services

To qualify for free legal services with CDCVAS you must live or have a case in Chelan or Douglas counties and have a household income that qualifies you for free legal services.

Qualifying Income: 0% up to 240% of federal poverty guidelines, depending on your legal matter

Our Capabilities are Limited

We will do our best to help clients with their legal matters, but we are limited to the availability and skills of our gracious volunteer attorneys. Thus, we are limited in the types of civil legal issues that we can help with.

Worried About Eviction?

Call the Washington State Eviction Defense Screening Line under the Northwest Justice Project at:


Or refer HERE for online eviction help


We help exclusively with civil legal matters. We cannot help with any criminal cases or charges.